This story was repeated hundreds of times. The manufacturer creates a compact car. He likes it succeeds, it is sold. And then the producer of all ports, making it bigger and heavier, I am sure that it is the buyer's needs. The fact that this is the need of the manufacturer - to sell more expensive cars are usually not described. And, as a rule, the second car is not very successful.
Fortunately, in the case of the roadsters Mazda MX-5 that did not happen. Even when she appeared rigid folding roof, MX-5 remains the same.
Now, engineers and marketers Mazda decided to go even further to meet the customers and create more compact roadster - MX-2.
Given the fact that the MX-5 does not have a lot of surplus places, the only thing through which you can reduce a car, this engine. It was expected that the new engine will be from 700 cubic centimeters to 1.6 liters. However, due to turbocharger power will be at a decent level - about 160 liters. with.
The drive is likely to be a front. However, closer to the launch of a car, the 2010, this issue will be more clarity.
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